Saturday, January 1, 2011

So long Elliot and Diego

Up until the other day we had Elliot the goat and Diego the pig. These farm animals have been with us for a while. Diego was not mean, he was just a pig. What do I mean by that? Well, when you brought him food he wanted to eat...not wait on you to feed it to him!
Anyways, after many months with these two Daddy made the decision to send Diego to the processor and Elliot died after a fight with the backyard dogs. Poor Elliot, he wanted to hang with the others in the backyard but they just wouldn't leave him alone...or would you say he just wouldn't leave them alone? Either way, we loved our Elliot. Although he was behind a fence most of the time, he always found a way out so he could take an adventure. Every once in a while you would see our goat walking around the property...just ask Paul Teasley.

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