Sunday, August 28, 2011

Life is so busy these days...

if I don't capture the special moments on my iphone then I won't capture them at all!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Up an at em...why not blog!

Well its been a while but hopefully things are looking up and I will be back to blogging! School's out for summer...but only for about another week.
First of all, we have exciting news...I am pregnant! This is definitely a surprise but we are very excited. It is almost as if the "all day sickness" began as soon as I found out. I have spent the majority of my summer laid up in bed or running to the bathroom. Needless to say, phenagren holds a special place in my heart. My due date is February 5th however we know it will be closer to the end of January because not only will I be having a scheduled c-section but we all know I don't carry babies full term. I am currently 13 weeks, 14 on Sunday, and I am starting to feel a tiny bit better...should I knock on wood? With that said, I have an OB appointment tomorrow and I will be sure to share how things go.
Trey will start Kindergarten August 15th. I have to say this new chapter in Trey's life is bittersweet. I am sad to see him growing up but also thrilled to watch him grow into a little young man. I have been busy buying school supplies, getting uniforms together, ordering lunches and marking the calendar! Although Richard and I may be sad to see our oldest start school, Trey is ecstatic! He has been counting the days!
I on the other hand report back to work August 16th and the students first day is August 22nd. I am very excited about the school year because I really do enjoy my job! (I thought I would never get to say that...lets hope and pray this doesn't change)
Well, I best run...motherhood calls! You are possibly wondering why I am up and so I tell you the stomach bug hit Trey on Monday and now it decided to hit Bess at 2am Thursday...woohoo!