Monday, September 27, 2010

Monster Bass

Miss Savannah was sick today so Richard had the kiddos all day and they went fishing first thing this morning and this is the Large Mouth Bass Bess caught all by herself.

Gotta love the BopBop(pacifier) and pajamas!

Thank you McDonald's

This week our happy meal prize for a boy is a skateboard and a tattoo! Thank you McDonald's for teaching my children to love body art! Thank goodness my kiddos like them washed off just as much as they like to have them put on. Here you see my arm next to Trey's arm. Since I got a tattoo in my happy meal Trey wanted us to match and I fell for it!

Second Saturday of Soccer

ITS SOCCER TIME and so far we are loving it! Richard is coaching Trey and 8 other 4 year olds. We play every Saturday morning and honestly it is excellent for the early morning blues because you get a GREAT laugh! This past Saturday, Sept 25, 2011, we played another St. Bede's team and our nephew Andrew is on the team. His team is made up of 5 year olds so they are a little bigger and a few are a little more experienced...if thats possible for a 5 year old soccer team :) These pictures hopefully tell a little bit about how the game goes and how Bess spends her time entertaining herself.

Our team starts off with a little warm up.

Go #9!

Not sure what Trey is telling Shannon.

Richard is trying to get their attention for a pre-game chat.

Taking a break!

Look at those boys RUN!

Giovanni gets set up to kick the ball!

Coach Richard in action!

Andrew on the left.

As told, they are all keeping their eyes on the ball!

Trey looks a little confused but I love this shot!

There's my boy!

Miss Savannah's nephew Trey or if you ask Bess he is HER nephew Trey.

Giovanni takes a break to sit with his daddy Paul.

Taylor can be so serious!


Warming the bench!

Bess is giving nephew Trey a little kiss on the cheek!

Sweet Frankie and Mrs. Pia.

Blushing Bess!

Silly Bess!

Nephew Trey and Bess

Trey sat with his cousin Thomas when he was out of the game and here is cheering for his cousin Andrew, on the other team:)


The other team won the game 4-1 (but they actually scored all the goals)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Trey is telling us how to do it!

A little father/daughter bonding!

Trey and Kady waiting for a fish to bite!

Kady loves hugs!

Whats for dinner?

Richard is reading the Mongolian Beef directions aloud hoping we can figure them out together!

Loving Life

One of Duke's favorite spots...right in the middle of the kitchen!

Bess turned the recliner upside down and laid back to sip on her coke. I know, coke is bad for her but please don't blame me...its all Richard's fault and for those of you who know Richard, you know I am telling the truth!

Bess and Trey were playing down on the bank at the pond. They were messing around with the bugs on the lily pads when SPLASH, they both fell right into the mud. It was funny to see them jump up, covered in mud, and when they realized what happened and how muddy they were they both began to fuss! In this picture Bess is actually hurrying to the house to get rinsed off. She hates being dirty!

Trey is running down to the pond. He will say "come on, lets get some exercise!"

This is a GOOD shot of the new hairdo! He actually did a pretty good job going straight up the middle:)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The only kind of snake in Hardaway....

The only kind of snake in Hardaway is a DEAD snake! Trey and I were on our way home when we found this snake in the road. He was already dead but we had to stop and check him out. This looks like a timber rattlesnake to me!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bubba, who cut your hair?

Okay so I was in the laundry room and I hear Richard say "Bubba, who cut your hair?" and I hear Trey say "I did." I took a deep breath and decided to look. At first glance it just looked like a few snips with the scissors, so I said lets go to the bathroom and fix it. Well then he stood up and I saw the bald stripe he shaved right up the center of his head. I thought I was going to die...either die crying or laughing! Trying to fix this is impossible. If I were to try and make it blend in, my poor child would be bald. As Richard said, we have all done it and it least it took him 4 years. Trey's explanation was he wanted to look like Daddy and well thats what he was trying to do because he used the same clippers I use to cut Richard's hair.

Cool idea for a cooler!

We saw this in a bar in Pier Park at P.C. Beach and we thought it was pretty cool. I mean I have seen tubs used as coolers before but not a claw foot a bar!

Swimming at Grandma's

Sweet Bess and cousin Andrew take a little time out of the pool for a photo! Bess just had to try on mommy's swim cap!

We spotted a toad floating on a watergun in the pool and he looked HUGE! Once we rescued him from the water the kiddos wanted to take a picture to show how BIG he was...but he really wasn't that big afterall.

Grommi and Grandaddy FINALLY have a mailbox!

Yippee! This is a good thing! Keep checking because pictures of the house will be posted soon! Its beautiful!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Such a hard life in Hardaway :)

"Look at me!"

Trey figured out a way to make himself swing!

Bess is trying to plan out how she is going to reach the top bar!

Is this a coke advertisement or what?

Trey's own way of climbing the tree!

Practicing some of his "nastics" moves!


Riding the gator, pumping up the soccer ball, and checking out the airplane flying overhead!

Pretending to be a race car driver