Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My sweet Bessie boo! Although you can be trying at times, to say the least, you sure are a sweet, kind, sensitive, tender, loving, hilarious kiddo. Every morning we wake up on pins and needles wondering whether we will find the sweet happy bess or the "wrong side of the bed bess!" Brushing your hair is not on your mind and I've decided it's just not worth it. Thankfully you are starting to brush your own...just wish you could hit the back one time! You are an amazing little lady at school earning holy cards left and right but like you told grommi "no holy cards earned at home, don't deserve them!" Your eating habits are even dry Parmesan cheese out of the bowl, yuck! As I lay here in bed scratching your back just perfect, perfect because you moved the pillows around to make me comfortable and to put you within good scratching distance, I want you to know I will ALWAYS love you infinity and beyond, to the moon and back, to mars, and one hundred ninety thousand days!!

Stay sweet, sassy, smart, and strong

I love you Bessie boo

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